23 December 2020

Functional shell: a minimal toolbox


I already wrote a post about adopting a functional programming style in Bash scripts. Here I want to explore how to build a minimal, reusable functional toolbox for my bash scripts, avoiding redefinition of base functional bricks whenever I need them.

So, in short: I wish I could write a scripts (say use-functional-bricks.sh) like the following

double () {
  expr $1 '*' 2

square () {
  expr $1 '*' $1

input=$(seq 1 6)
square_after_double_output=$(map "square" $(map "double" $input))
echo "square_after_double_output $square_after_double_output"

sum() {
	expr $1 '+' $2

sum=$(reduce 0 "sum" $input)
echo "The sum is $sum"

referring to “globally” available functions map and reduce(and maybe others, too) without to re-write them everywhere they are needed and without to be bound to external scripts invocation.

The way I think we can solve the problem refers to three interesting features available in bash:

  • export functions from scripts (through export -f)
  • execute scripts in the current shell’s environment, through source command
  • execute scripts when bash starts

So I wrote the following script (say functional-bricks.sh):

map () {
	for x
		$f $x
export -f map

reduce () {
	for curr
		acc=$($f $acc $curr)
	echo $acc
export -f reduce

and added the following line at the end of my user’s ~/.bashrc file:

. ~/common/functional-bricks.sh

and… voila!: now map and reduce implemented in functional-bricks.sh are available in all my bash sessions - so I can use them in all my scripts!
And because seeing is beleiving… if I launch the script use-functional-bricks.shdefined above, I get the following output:

square_after_double_output 4
The sum is 21

20 December 2020

Functional way of thinking: higher order functions and polymorphism


I think higher order functions are the functional way to polymorphism: the same way you can write a generic algorithm in an OO language referring to an interface, which you can plug specific behaviour into the generic algorithm through, you can follow the sameplug something specific into something generic” advice writing a high order function referring to a function signature.

Put it another way, function signatures are the functional counterpart for OO interfaces.

This is a very simple concept having big implications about you can design and organize your code. So, I think the best way to metabolize this concept is to get your hands dirty with higher order functions, in order to become faimilar with thinking in terms of functions that consume and return (other) functions.

For example, you can try to reimplement simple higher order functions from some library like lodash, ramdajs or similar. What about implementing an afterfunction that receives an integer n and another function f and returns a new function that invokes f when it is invoked for the n-th time?

function after(n, f) {
	return function() {
	  if(n === 0) {

You can use like this:

const counter = after(5, () => console.log('5!'))
counter() // Writes '5!' to the console

So you have a simple tool for count events, reacting to the n-th occurrence (and you honored the Single Responsibility Principly, too, separating counting responsibility from business behavior implemented by f). Each invocation of after creates a scope (more *technically: a closure for subsequent executions os the returned function - the value of n or of variables defined in the lexical scope of after's invocation are nothing different from the instance fields you can use in your class implementing an interface.
Generalizing this approach, you can implement subtle variation of the after function: you can for example write an every function that returns a function that call the f parameter of the every invocation every n times

function every(n, f) {
	let m = n
	return function() {
		if(m === 0)    {
			m = n

This is my way to see functional composition through higher order functions: another way to plug my specific, business-related behavior into e generic - higher order - piece of code, without reimplement the generic algorithm the latter implements.

Bonus track: what is the higher order behaviour implemented by the following function?

function canYouGuessMyName (items, f) {
 return items.reduce((acc, curr) => ({ ...acc, [f(curr)]: (acc[f(curr)] || []).concat([curr]) }), {})

Written with StackEdit.

12 December 2020

Functions as first-class citizens: the shell-ish version


The idea to compose multiple functions together, passing one or more of them to another as parameters, generally referred to as using higher order functions is a pattern which I’m very comfortable with, since I read about ten years ago the very enlighting book Functional Thinking: Paradigm Over Syntax by Neal Ford. The main idea behind this book is that you can adopt a functional mindset programming in any language, wheter it supports function as first-class citizens or not. The examples in that book are mostly written in Java (version 5 o 6), a language that supports (something similar to) functions as first-class citizens only from version 8. As I said, it’s more a matter of mindset than anything else.

So: a few days ago, during a lab of Operating System course, waiting for the solutions written by the students I was wondering If it is possible to take a functional approach composing functions (or something similar…) in a (bash) shell script.

(More in detail: the problem triggering my thinking about this topic was "how to reuse a (not so much) complicated piece of code involving searching files and iterating over them in two different use cases, that differed only in the action applied to each file)

My answer was Probably yes!, so I tried to write some code and ended up with the solution above.

The main point is - imho - that as in a language supporting functions as first class citizens the bricks to be put together are functions, in (bash) script the minimal bricks are commands: generally speaking, a command can be a binary, or a script - but functions defined in (bash) scripts can be used as commands, too. After making this mental switch, it’s not particularly difficult to find a (simple) solution:

action0.sh - An action to be applied to each element of a list

echo "0 Processing $1"

action1.sh - This first action to be applied to each element of a list

echo "1 Processing $1"

foreach.sh - Something similar to List<T>.ForEach(Action<T>) extension method of .Net standard library(it’s actually a high order program)

for x
    $action $x

main.sh - The main program, reusing foreach’s logic in more cases, passing to the high order program different actions

./foreach.sh ./action0.sh $(seq 1 6)
./foreach.sh ./action1.sh $(seq 1 6)

./foreach.sh ./action0.sh {A,B,C,D,E}19
./foreach.sh ./action1.sh {A,B,C,D,E}19

Following this approach, you can apply different actions to a bunch of files, without duplicating the code that finds them… and you do so applying a functional mindset to bash scripting!

In the same way it is possible to implement something like the classic map higher order function using functions in a bash script:

double () {
    expr $1 '*' 2

square () {
    expr $1 '*' $1

map () {
    for x
        echo $($f $x)

input=$(seq 1 6)
double_output=$(map "double" $input)
echo "double_output --> $double_output"
square_output=$(map "square" $input)
echo "square_output --> $square_output"
square_after_double_output=$(map "square" $(map "double" $input))
echo "square_after_double_output --> $square_after_double_output"

square_after_double_output, as expected, contains values 4, 16, 36, 64, 100, 144.

In conclusion… no matter what language you are using: using it functionally, composing bricks and higher order bricks together, it’s just a matter of mindset!

Written with StackEdit.